As a means of quality control, efficiency, and accountability there are several procedures that should be followed for PTRAs conducting workshops in the name of PTRA. Although many PTRAs conduct small workshops for section meetings, national conferences, and general information or marketing, there are guidelines that were approved by the AAPT Board of Directors that are to guide any workshop preparations. All presentations should be reported whether they include fees or not. PTRA Workshop Guidelines
The continuation fund was set up in order for AAPT/PTRA to be sustainable, it is understood that there are some presentations where funds should not and cannot be collected from participants, but official PTRA workshops should result in some money added to the Continuation fund.
The AAPT Board of Directors gives updates on PTRA workshops, but in order for this to continue there are procedures we need in place to be sure we are accurately reporting our outreach efforts. The protocol is as follows:
1) At least one month in advance of presentation, notify Karen Jo ([email protected]) of the date, time, workshop topic, and potential number of participants. This can be done via email and then fill out the online form on survey monkey.
Also post the workshop on the AAPT website. Karen Jo will post the same information on the website (see prior posts for samples)
2)Payment may be collected before or during the workshop. Send funds to Janet Lane @AAPT (One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD, 20740) and must be accompanied with the Form D Fee for Service FORM D
If you prefer payment using PayPal or Square One (i.e. online), that can be arranged, just check with Karen Jo for details and procedures.
3) If you do not want to print materials being used during the workshop you can send your ppt, worksheets, etc. to Karen Jo and she will post on the website using a password that you will give to your participants during the workshop. This also allows the participants to have access to the materials after the workshop.
4) Once your information has been uploaded to the website, participants can use the link on this website to sign up for your workshop (it is on the Home page/Workshops and Institutes). Be sure to email Karen Jo and ask for the participant list at least a week before your session.
1) Participant information is important to document our impact as and can also be used to send the participants information or handouts from the workshop. As participants come in, it is suggested that you post a slide (see sample PTRA workshop ppt info 2020), which gives them our social media information and a QR link for the participant information form. If they do not have a QR Reader, they can go to
2) Encourage participants to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Note that if participants use Instagram and the #ptraphysics or #aaptptra
3) Take photos to be posted on the website and used for future advertising. Participants can give consent to these pictures by using the information form. Post your pics to as many forms of social media as you can or designate someone participating to be your social media guru. SEND photos to Karen Jo.
1) Have participants complete the evaluation for (it is suggested this be done before they leave or gather emails and send the link to them). (Note: this is the last slide in the link above). The QR Code can be used to quickly access the post workshop survey or you can give them the url
2) Send Karen Jo pics that can be posted back to the website, participant information (if you used the printed form), and amount of funds to be deposited in PTRA continuation fund.
3) Send forms to Karen Jo (can be scanned and emailed). If the workshop was a fee for service use a Form D Fee for Service FORM D
If the workshop was free, use a Form E No-Fee-Workshops-FORM-E