PTRAs have been helping other teachers, peers, colleagues, and students for over 35 years! What an amazing legacy we have been given. There have been thousands of workshops and institutes held all over the country on every topic in physics or physics science for grades K-12.
The pandemic has been challenging for everyone, especially teachers who have multi preps and now have to figure out how to teach online and develop resources. PTRAs are in the process of taking their lessons from workshops, institutes, classrooms, etc and putting them in a format that will be useful for both teachers and students. We hope to provide some basic lesson resources and then continue to add to the archive as we have time and volunteers helping. If you want to help in this endeavor please contact us ( and let us know what topic and grade level you want to work on. We will give you the instructions and template.
Check back periodically to see which topics we have that can be useful to your students.
Attached is a presentation from Linda Fox at the AAPT 2023 Winter meeting on Amateur Radio and Physics. For the ppt, contact Linda
Energy Tubes (or Crushing it With Cans!
Fan carts Instructions on how to make fan carts
Kinematics using dune buggies
Launchers and Drag Racers